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2 Week Body Mind Cleanse

Restore & Reset - Put your body back in Balance


Is this you? Do you:


  • Feel sluggish, bloated or puffy?

  • Have digestive issues?

  • Have poor bowel elimination?

  • Feel tired in the middle of the day and don't know why?

  • Have difficulties losing the unwanted weight?

  • Have problems getting a good night sleep?

  • Have headaches? Allergies? Bad breath? Addicted to sugar?

  • Feel lost how to cook healthy meals and think they're time-consuming?



If you experience any of these symptoms regularly or are just hoping to feel better one day, then it's time for some clean eating. You're in the right place.



This self study program will arm you with the tools you need to start your clean eating path and to take your health to new heights.



This cleanse isn't about starving, fasting, juicing, buying supplements or reading the number on the scale.  Let me be clear on my definition of a Cleanse: eating healthy whole foods and releasing the things that are dragging us down - not about starving ourselves.  You'll learn how to identify the foods that work for your own unique body and the foods that don't, in a safe and effective way.  This will put you on the road to lasting wellness.



Forget about dieting.  Lose the weight and keep it off for good.



The program is about supercharging your body's own natural detoxification system. To feel energetic, balanced and full of vitality every day of your life.

The easy to follow cleanse is a great way to start living a healthier life.  You'll load your body up with nutrients to promote the body's natrural ability to release toxins and inflammation which will result in weight loss and increased energy levels.



The program starts off with a 4 day pre-cleanse to get your body ready for the actual 7 day cleanse.  After that, it's another 4 days of transition, where you'll learn how to re-introduce foods one at a time and maintain a clean eating basic diet.  







Benefits of the cleanse include:


  • You'll recognize your inappropriate eating habits;

  • The burden of stimulants is eliminated or reduced;

  • Pollutants and poissons are eliminated

  • Naturally lose excess weight ;

  • The mind clears;

  • The body is revitalised and refreshed;

  • Increased and long lasting energy;

  • Feel more positive;

  • Have clearer skin;

  • Improved digestion;

  • More stable blood sugar levels and controlled appetite;

  • Clarity and better concentration.



Is this all possible in 15 days?

Oh, it is.


What you'll get:



  • Preparation guide with everything you need to get started;

  • Delicious recipes;

  • Daily supportive emails to encourage you;

  • Day-by-day approach that will keep you on track through the excitement and challenges of your daily program;

  • Lifetime access to your self study program so you can repeat as often as you like;

  • Daily meal planning guide with nutritious, wholefood options;

  • Two week supported detox schedule;

  • Goal setting activities;

  • Self-care tips and tools.


Throughout the 15 days I'll show you how to reduce painful inflammation, integrate exercise and vital movement into your daily life, and transform your body into its best state of being.



You’ll also learn:



  • Effective ways to release toxins;

  • How to shop healthy & confidently;

  • How to incorporate the best super foods;

  • How to cleanse without deprivation or hunger;

  • How primary foods, like self-care, affect your health;

  • Motivational techniques.


Everything you consume during your Body Mind Cleanse is designed to give your body the best, most compact sources of nutrition to supercharge your life.



Are you overfed but undernourished? If you’re trying to lose some unwanted weight,

this is the perfect kick-off!  


I've designed the 15 Day Body Mind Cleanse Self Study Program to set you up with the skills and knowledge for everyday life, so you can stay healthy long after you complete the Program.  You can continue to eat this way for lasting results as well.  I’ll give you the tools. 














After payment you’ll receive an email with a link to my scheduler to book your call with me.

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