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2 Week Body Mind Cleanse

A Jumpstart into a Lifelong Journey

Helping You 

To Make The Right Choices

SUGAR CRAVINGS: 4 Reasons You Have Them And How To Ditch Them


Hello And Welcome!



I'm Tania.  I am originally from Belgium and after having spent 24 years living and travelling around the world, I returned to my roots in 2015.



If you’ve ever dreamt of changing your eating habits, making shifts towards a healthier kitchen set up, kicking those old habits FOREVER, having enough energy and enthusiasm to get through your day, and finally fit into your pretty dress (or favorite jeans), then you’re in the right place.  I'm here for you.



Whether you’re someone who struggles with her weight or you’re looking to feel better and improve your health,

I can help you get there.



I help women just like you uncover the best version of themselves.



What sets me apart is that I get you.  I know how you feel about being overweight, unfit, exhausted and unhealthy.  More than you know.  Like you, I dreamt about looking and feeling better but I didn't know how to do it.  I spent hundreds of dollars on diet books, powders and supplements which didn't give me lasting results.   It was so discouraging and frustrating.  I had to take a different approach to health and permanent natural weight loss. There are no short cuts for that.  You've got to change your lifestyle instead of yo-yo dieting and going back to your old ways once you go off the diet.



My journey to wellness has had some big ups and some big downs.  I used food to numb myself, to fill my emotional needs, for stress relief and as a reward rather than to fill my stomach.  Back then I didn't make the connection that I behaved that way because I felt empty and lost.  I turned to food because I was in pain.  I was yearning to find a way to express who I truly was.  I was deeply unfulfilled and thought I was not enough.   And worst of all, I lost all hope.  So I reached for food instead of looking within.  



Luckily, I was introduced to the idea of Holistic Health and I found my way out.  What a wake up call I got! Since that moment I worked to turn my health around and I no longer deal with sugar cravings, emotional eating or rollercoaster dieting.  I immersed myself in all of the tools that could mend my body from the inside out and now I turn to food to nourish my body.  What a difference it has made! My blood sugar and blood pressure are low and in control. My energy is sustained throughout the day and I stay at my ideal weight.  Without dieting.  



I decided to make it my mission to help women, just like you, do the same and be the happy, healthy woman you want and deserve to be.   One step at a time.



It's possible.  It's possible because I did it, and I'm no better than you.  If I was able to stop the yo-yo dieting and create new habits, then you can do the same.  If I can maintain a healthy weight naturally and live a more balanced lifestyle,  why not you?



Adapting to healthy lifestyle changes can lead you to personal freedom

and boost your confidence and body image.




You can feel confident working with me to guide and support you.  I’m an Accredited Holistic Nutrition Coach,  a Board Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Founder of Flavors of Health.  I work on a one-to-one basis and it doesn't matter where you are in the world.



My strength is my ability to connect deeply with people on a heart level and feel their individual needs.  I am genuinely compassionate and I offer the inspiration and guidance for you to reach your health goals through an authentic connection.



It lights me up seeing women overcome their excuses. Witnessing their successes to turn their life around is priceless.



When you work with me you’ll walk away knowing more than you have about nutrition, your wellness needs and yourself.  We’ll change your life - together.  I’ll empower you with the tools you need to nurture your body properly. 



Let’s make it happen for you so you can live the life you deserve.



It would be a pleasure to guiding you on your journey to achieve the transformation you desire of feeling and looking great, so you can have the confidence and energy to do the things you love.


As a Holistic Nutrition Coach, I guide you and give you the tools you need to feel better than you've felt in years .  Does that sound like something you've been hoping for? 


My Philosphy is based on:



"Bio-individuality.  I believe that "no one diet works for everyone".

I believe that we each have our own issues with food, our bodies and our emotions.  

Everyone isn't alike.

That is why some people thrive on vegetarian diets while others need meat, or why some people can eat 100 % raw foods 

while others need cooked meals to maintain optimal health.

That's why fad diets tend to fail in the long run.

I don't believe in diets".




You're ready to go after your dreams and I'm here to show you how.



Let's connect and continue this conversation :-)

Click on the link below and schedule your FREE Clarity Call with me.  Yes, it is free.  This is my GIFT to you to get you on your way.



Are you ready to hit the reboot button and get your life on the right track?


If you are, then let’s go on this journey together! Simply schedule your FREE Clarity Call with me. We'll have an open, no-pressure conversation about some of your needs and goals. 

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