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What exactly is a "Well Balanced" diet?

Let me begin by saying what it is NOT: following "celebrity diets", who only seek publicity.

DIETS DON'T WORK in the long term. Healthy eating does.

A healthy and balanced diet IS:

Eating the right amount of food for how active you are and eating a range of the 5 main food groups

These 5 food groups are:

  • Carbohydrates for energy, such as starchy foods: rice, potatoes, pasta, bread. Choose whole grain instead of refined as they contain fiber and other nutrients that have many health benefits;

  • Protein for growth and repair, such as some meat, fish, beans and eggs;

  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables;

  • Dairy foods, eaten in moderation as they contain saturated fat. Buy Organic to avoid added hormones.

  • Healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil for salads, coconut oil for cooking.

Good nutrition is important for maintaining good health so make healthy choices, like:

  • Base meals on whole grain starchy foods for energy;

  • Eat at least 5 different fruits and vegetables each day. Vegetables should be part of each meal and fruit should be the first choice for a snack;

  • Eat more fish, especially oily fish like mackerel, sardines, salmon;

  • Cut down on saturated fats, avoid trans fats and sugar found in snacks;

  • Eat less salt;

  • Get active to be healthy weight;

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day;

  • Don't skip breakfast, it is the start-up energy for the day;

  • Consume the amount of calories according to your weight and activity level. Too much as well as too little can be bad for you. Balance is required.

Eat a variety of foods to obtain all essential nutrients.

Everyone's plate will look different as we all have different requirements, depending on our body's shape, size and activity level.

We are NOT all alike. Not one diet fits all.

So END DIETING forever, eat healthy and the weight will come off effortlessly. You'll have much more energy to do the things you love!

Healthy eating isn't about strict dietary restrictions or depriving yourself. It is about feeling great, having more energy and stabilizing your mood.

Eating a balanced diet is not complicated. Stick to whole, minimally processed nutritious foods. Foods in its natural form.

If you are eager to improve your health and would like to add healthy options to your daily food choices, then grab my free guide "5 Foods That Will Help BOOST Your Weight Loss Naturally" HERE

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Guide now!

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